Receding Gums Fixed With Periodontal Procedures
Not even the most beautiful teeth can look attractive if healthy and pleasing-looking gums do not surround them. That's because the gums frame the teeth like a picture frame frames a picture. To have a pleasing smile, the shape, color, and texture of the gums are just as important as that of the teeth they frame. Although tooth development, periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth loss can create esthetic gum deformities like receding gums, modern periodontal procedures can give individuals a smile to smile about.
Common Cosmetic Gum Problems
Unhealthy Gums
As a result of periodontal disease, a person may have red, shiny, or swollen gums. If an individual has gingivitis or periodontitis, the gums have to be periodontally treated prior to cosmetic dental procedures.
"Gummy Smile"
Teeth that appear too short may be normal-sized teeth hiding under too much gum. This can be the result of normal tooth development, or the use of certain medications that may cause gums to overgrow. Either way, a crown lengthening (see article "Crown Lengthening") procedure can help reveal the normal tooth structure.
If the teeth appear to be too long or if the root surfaces are exposed, it may be due to receding gums (see article "Recession"). Soft tissue grafting (see article "Soft Tissue Grafts") is very successful in correcting this problem.
Uneven Gum Margins
If the gum margins appear to be higher on some teeth and lower on others, this may be due to receding gums, altered eruption, or gum defects that resulted from tooth loss. The treatment of uneven gum margins may require crown lengthening, soft tissue grafting, ridge augmentation or a combination of these procedures.
Gum Indentations
After a tooth is lost, the bone that encased it disintegrates and the gum around it may collapse, creating an indentation where the tooth used to be. Ridge augmentation procedures can help correct this problem.
Uneven Pigmentation
Changes in the color of the gums may be part of normal gum development, or the result of scarring. Soft tissue grafts can predictably correct this problem.
Spaces In Between the Teeth
Periodontal disease can result in spaces in between the teeth that may appear like black triangles. These spaces can be very difficult to treat. They can be made less unattractive by a combination of procedures that include orthodontics (braces), crowns (caps), and/or periodontal (gum) surgery. The best way to avoid these spaces is to seek periodontal treatment in its early stages.
Missing Teeth
One or more missing teeth can be predictably replaced with the aid of dental implants. Dental implants can look and feel like natural teeth.
Changes in the appearance of the gums like receding gums can occur as a result of normal tooth development, periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth loss. By working with a restorative dentist who has expertise in cosmetic dentistry and through the aid of modern periodontal techniques, individuals can design a smile that is both aesthetic and youthful in appearance.
By Laura Minsk, DMD
Dental Procedure For Dental Recession
Dental recession is a displacement of the gum around the teeth that results in greater tooth exposure and a longer looking tooth. As the gum that protects the root surface of the tooth is lost, not only does it create an esthetic deformity, it makes the tooth more sensitive to changes in temperature (hot and cold), touch, and to proper oral hygiene techniques. The exposed root surfaces also are more susceptible to cavities. Causes of dental recession include:
- Periodontal disease: The bacteria that cause gingivitis can release toxins that injure the gum tissues and create gum recession. Once the gum is affected by gingivitis (see article "Gingivitis"), it is even more susceptible to further dental recession and bone loss. So if the gum is red, swollen, or bleeds when probed, it is more likely to continue receding. Eventually, there may not be enough healthy gum and bone left to protect the tooth and the tooth may need to be removed. If there is less than 2 mm of healthy gum in an area of recession, a dentist may recommend a gum graft to help prevent further receding gums and help protect the tooth.
- Trauma: Medium or hard bristle toothbrushes, brushing too hard, or brushing inappropriately can damage the teeth and the gums. It is very important to use a soft bristle toothbrush when cleaning the teeth, and to follow proper technique. Mechanical trauma to the gums also can be caused by improperly fitting dental restorations or dentures. Fillings that are rough or dentures that are loose or poorly designed can injure the gums and cause them to recede.
Gums also may recede as a result of orthodontic treatment or from manipulation during restorative procedures. To prevent this from occurring, a dentist may recommend gum grafting before orthodontics or restorative treatment.
Gum grafts are indicated if an individual has root sensitivity to touch or temperature changes, if new restorative work will be done in the area of the dental recession, if the roots are susceptible to cavities, or if an individual is having problems following proper plaque control procedures. In addition, gum grafts are cosmetic periodontal procedures that can be performed to enhance smiles if recession has created esthetic problems such as long teeth or exposed roots.
By Laura Minsk, DMD